Flame Cut Steel SGB Bearing Housing

Jun 9, 2023

BRI-MAC offered a solution in fabricated steel as an alternative to an old cast iron bearing housing.  Steel has several advantages over cast iron, including higher strength, better impact resistance, and improved ductility. It can withstand higher loads and provide increased durability and longevity.

We offered a STEEL solution in double quick time resulting in our customer being able to hit a tight shut-down target.

Manufactured to receive SKF bearing: 23072E with special Labyrinth Seal to one side.

When presenting the solution to the customer, it was essential to highlight the benefits of using steel.

While steel may have a slightly higher upfront cost compared to cast iron, its improved performance, durability, and longevity can result in long-term cost savings. The reduced need for frequent replacements or repairs can offset the initial investment.

cast steel solutions

Bri-Mac Engineering Ltd
Unit 17,
Thornleigh Trading Estate
Dudley, DY2 8UB.

01384 455042


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