What is steel Casting and why is it important?


At Bri Mac, we are proud to design and manufacture our cast steel housing for a variety of applications in industry. If you are looking for a product that is made to tough it out in the harshest of work environments, the British made products of Bri Mac are trusted to be relied upon to withstand extreme working conditions such as steel mills, crushing and metal recycling applications.

This blog explores just one of our processes to showcase how we reach the highest standards in quality through Steel Casting.

Steel Casting is created by the process of pouring molten steel into a mold where the steel then cools before being removed for cleaning.

Have a read to find out more…

cast steel solutions

Why do you use steel casting in manufacturing?

Metal Castings has played an important role throughout the history of industrialised societies. Cast elements comprise a significant part of tools and appliances as an old technology has been used with increasingly modern technology to adapt and develop its usage from the most likely beginning of this process where metal parts of copper were first forged more than 9000 years ago (Glownia 2017:1)

Follow the link to find out more about the history of Steel Casting in engineering technology by clicking the link below.

A Short History of Steel and Steel Casting

 In contrast to the use of wrought iron, the main differences lie in the process of production. Due to the process, steel casting allows us to work with a strong material that we can manipulate to suit the requirements of each of our clients, adapting to the different needs of the industries represented by each of our clients.

Each part of the process is flexible, from the initial pattern stage where equipment can use a variety of materials, to the exact molding process selected for the job. These choices in patterns and molds allow us to select the correct processes for each exact requirement, also allowing us to make sustainable choices for the environment along the way.

What are the main benefits of steel casting?

Steel is the most versatile engineering material available today as it can be easily welded, processed and plays a vital role in maintaining the high standard of living enjoyed by the industrialised nations of the world (Blair and Stevens 1995: 2)

As the molten steel is poured into a mold, the exact specifications for the requirements can be met precisely. THe other important factor to note is that more cost-effective solutions can be found by combining steel with other materials.

What are the environmental considerations in using steel in manufacturing?

Steel is one of the most used materials in engineering, particularly in construction. The manufacturing processes are a major contributor to CO2 emissions and there is a response building to address this situation and take responsibility.

There is much work exploring the use of timber and other sustainable materials, but while this work is underway to find sustainable solutions, we work to reduce our emissions and work more sustainably in other ways, such as managing waste and choosing more sustainable options in pattern and molding processes. We always keep our knowledge of sustainable working practices up to date with the latest technology, publications and materials and promise to ensure we respond to industry changes as we work to lead our industry in a commitment to sustainable working practices.

The working practices of the industry have changed, and monitoring is much tighter. Emissions are monitored closely, and the sand used is reclaimed and reused in the process.

At Bri Mac, we audit our foundries to ensure this takes place as this is genuinely important to us. We recognise that foundries have a vital part to play in sustainable working practices in the industry and we proudly lead by example. We know the steps we take have an unlimited potential to reduce our negative impact on the environment and we take our role in this very seriously. We want to be a leading part of industries solutions for sustainable working practices.  

Design and Manufacture of Cast Steel Housing at Bri Mac International

Our products are built for extreme working conditions; aggressive and harsh working environments are where our purpose-built products truly stand out above our competitors as our clients have experienced the benefits of investing in high-quality manufacture to save money in the long term with products that have longevity as part of their design.

We are passionate about design and spend much time finding solutions to all things bearings.

Our housing solutions have been recognised by the Bearing Housing industry as the gold standard and our clients return time and time again for the working relationships we create through our collaboration; knowing we understand and commit to creating solutions that are proven to be effective every time.


Blair, M and Stevens, T.L. (1995) ‘Steel Castings Handbook, 6th Edition, Steel Founders‘ Society of America, ASM International, USA Accessed at https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=QG3_QqmPZ_AC (11th April 2023)

Glownia, J (2017) ‘Metallurgy and Technology of Steel Castings’ Bentham Science Publishers, Sharjah, UAE Accessed at https://books.google.co.uk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=sMtFDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR1&dq=steel+casting+technology&ots=adnWu0MVRm&sig=8fmCWtOs3nk07uXAzMMw3rpopJ4&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=steel%20casting%20technology&f=false (11th April 2023)


We foster a deep understanding that customer support is everything and collaboration between our clients’ needs and our expertise is vital for success.
The Bri-Mac team take great pride in producing the highest quality work for our international customer base, whether it be standard bearing housing or a custom-built Plummer block.
Every client receives our excellent customer service and an outstanding finished product that has been designed and manufactured with every attention to detail.

Bri-Mac Engineering Ltd
Unit 17,
Thornleigh Trading Estate
Dudley, DY2 8UB.

01384 455042


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